- Aug 18, 2023
What do I need to know about religious accommodations?
Employers with 15 or more employees are required by federal law to provide reasonable accommodations for an employee’s sincerely held...
- Apr 8, 2021
Can I ask an employee if she's pregnant?
We recommend you not ask an employee if she’s pregnant. Generally, employers may not inquire about an employee's private health...
- Apr 7, 2021
How To Respond To "Two-Week Notice"
Question: Do we have to honor an employee’s two-week notice period? Assuming there is no contract or agreement to the contrary, you’re...
- Apr 6, 2021
Employment At Will: What Does It Mean?
Question: Does “at-will employment” mean we can terminate without risk? No, termination always comes with some risk, even when the...
- Apr 5, 2021
Dress Code In The Workplace
Question: We’re thinking of adding a dress code to our handbook. What should we consider? As with any policy, the big thing to keep in...
- Apr 1, 2021
Are Remote Employees Eligible for FMLA?
Are Remote Employees Eligible for FMLA? If So, How Is Their Worksite Determined? Remote employees who otherwise qualify will be eligible...
- Mar 31, 2021
Unauthorized Overtime Policy
Question: Our company policy says that employees must obtain authorization before working overtime, but one of our employees has...
- Mar 30, 2021
Posting Employee Photos in Company Website
Question: Should we get permission from our employees before posting pictures of them on our company website? Yes, we recommend obtaining...
- Mar 29, 2021
Is Dyed Hair Unprofessional?
Question: Can we tell employees not to dye their hair with bright colors? Yes, you can tell employees not to dye their hair, but there...
- Mar 29, 2021
Best Ways To Keep Company Data
Question: What are the best ways to keep company data secure? Below are some best practice tips from an HR perspective for keeping your...